VBTrain.Net Documentation

LmsApi2.SetValueEnum Enumeration

Specifies values for the itemName parameter of the GetJsSetValue method of the LmsApi2 class. These values represent the defined parameters for the SCORM LMSSetValue function.

Throughout this documentation, SCO (Sharable Content Object) refers to the current lesson or application. For additional details on SCORM data values and terminology see the SCORM documentation from Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL), http://www.adlnet.org/.

Public Enum SetValueEnum


Member name andSCORM equivalent (Versions 1.2 and 1.3)



cmi.core.exit (1.2)

cmi.exit (1.3)

Specifies how the student exited the SCO.


cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.n.pattern (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.n.pattern (1.3)

Specifies the correct response(s) to the interaction.

When this value is used for the itemName parameter of the GetJsSetValue method, the value for the first n should be specified in the n1 parameter and the value for the second n should be specified in the n2 parameter.


cmi.interactions.n.id (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.id (1.3)

Specifies an identifier (unique within the scope of the SCO) for the interaction.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.interactions.n.latency (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.latency (1.3)

Specifies the time elapsed between when the interaction was made available to the learner and the time of the first response.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.interactions.n.student_response (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.learner_response (1.3)

Specifies how the student responded. Values vary depending on the interaction type.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.interactions.n.objectives.n.id (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.objectives.n.id (1.3)

Specifies data set by the LMS when the SCO is launched.

When this value is used for the itemName parameter of the GetJsSetValue method, the value for the first n should be specified in the n1 parameter and the value for the second n should be specified in the n2 parameter.


cmi.interactions.n.result (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.result (1.3)

Specifies the SCO's evaluation of the student's response to the interaction.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.interactions.n.time (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.timestamp (1.3)

Specifies a time-stamp of when the student completed the interaction.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.interactions.n.type (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.type (1.3)

Specifies the type of interaction.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.interactions.n.weighting (1.2)

cmi.interactions.n.weighting (1.3)

Specifies the weight of the interaction.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.student_preference.text (1.2)

cmi.learner_preference.audio_captioning (1.3)

Specifies whether captioning text corresponding to audio is displayed.


cmi.student_preference.audio (1.2)

cmi.learner_preference.audio_level (1.3)

Specifies the student's audio level preference.


cmi.student_preference.speed (1.2)

cmi.learner_preference.delivery_speed (1.2)

Specifies the student's relative speed of content delivery preference.


cmi.student_preference.language (1.2)

cmi.learner_preference.language (1.3)

Specifies the student's preferred language for SCOs with multilingual capability.


cmi.core.lesson_location (1.2)

cmi.location (1.3)

Specifies where in the SCO the student was on exit.


cmi.objectives.n.id (1.2)

cmi.objectives.n.id (1.3)

Specifies a developer-defined, SCO specific, alpha-numeric identifier for an objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.score.max (1.2)

cmi.objectives.n.score.max (1.3)

Specifies the highest score possible on an objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.score.min (1.2)

cmi.objectives.n.score.min (1.3)

Specifies the lowest score possible on an objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.score.raw (1.2)

cmi.objectives.n.score.raw (1.3)

Specifies the student's score on the objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.core.score.max (1.2)

cmi.score.max (1.3)

Specifies the highest score possible for the SCO.


cmi.core.score.min (1.2)

cmi.score.min (1.3)

Specifies the lowest score possible for the SCO.


cmi.core.score.raw (1.2)

cmi.score.raw (1.3)

Specifies the student's score in the SCO.


cmi.core.session_time (1.2)

cmi.session_time (1.3)

Specifies the time the student spent in the SCO in the current session.

Note: If set multiple times in the same session, only the most recent value is added to total time on exit, i.e., this is not cumulative.


cmi.suspend_data (1.2)

cmi.suspend_data (1.3)

Specifies SCO-generated information typically stored during previous session.


cmi.comments (1.2)

Specifies comments from the SCO.


cmi.core.lesson_status (1.2)

cmi.mode (1.3)

Specifies the launch mode for the SCO.


cmi.objectives.n.status (1.2)

Specifies the student's status for the objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.comments_from_learner.n.comment (1.3)

Specifies text of comment sent from the SCO.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.comments_from_learner.n.location (1.3)

Specifies the location in the SCO to which comment n applies.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.comments_from_learner.n.timestamp (1.3)

Specifies the time at which the comment n was most recently created or modified.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.completion_status (1.3)

Specifies whether the learner has completed the SCO.


cmi.interactions.n.description (1.3)

Provides a brief description of the interaction.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.completion_status (1.3)

Specifies if the learner has completed the objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.description (1.3)

A description of the objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.progress_measure (1.3)

A number between 0 and 1, set by the SCO, indicating a progress measure.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


scormVal (1.3)

A number (-1 to 1) that specifies the learner's performance for the objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.objectives.n.success_status (1.3)

Specifies if the learner has mastered the objective.

The value for n should be specified in the n1 parameter of the GetJsSetValue method.


cmi.score.scaled (1.3)

A number set by the SCO representing scaled score.


cmi.success_status (1.3)

Specifies whether the learner has mastered the SCO.


Namespace: VBTrain.WebTracking.LmsApi2

Assembly: VBTrainLmsApi2.dll

See Also

LmsApi2 Class | LmsApi Members | GetJsSetValue | SetValueEnum Enumeration | GetJsSetValue