Powerful & Affordable Learning Management of SCORM™-compliant Content

New in Version 6

  • Adds new Division level that is a grouping of organizations. Courses and Classes can be assigned at the Division level.
  • Optional Security Questions for resetting your password.
  • Supervisor Administrators/Reporters can be assigned at the Organization or Division level as well as configuring the supervisor's direct reports.
  • Adds 49 new reports/graphs.
  • New Audio and Video lessons. Link directly to the media file and Tracker provides all SCORM communication. Optionally play in HTML 5 when supported and revert to Windows Media Player otherwise.
  • Additional lesson settings to skip bookmarks/suspend data, set the maximum number of lesson attempts, or end access after completion.
  • Greatly improved Windows Authentication.
  • Ability to "skin" the interface through jQueryUI.
  • Automatically saves your last report/graph selected.
  • Special "External Mode" for integrating Tracker.Net into another system.
  • Redesigned and improved Global Settings screen.
  • Settings to hide inactive classes, courses, lessons, and/or students in the Administrator or Reporter.
  • Improved interface that is easily accessible from mobile devices.
  • Updated Tracker Reporter application allows users to view 109 reports and 118 graphs by student, lesson, course, class, organization, and division.
  • Scheduler application can now send division emails as well as organization/course/class emails. Any student information such as username and password can be included.
  • Updated and expanded Tracker Reports SQL Server Reporting Services solution boasts 101 reports and 125 graphs by student, lesson, course, class, organization, and division.
  • Downloadable trial version
  • Much more!
View Features Added in Version 5 arrows
View Features Added in Version 4 arrows
View Features Added in Version 3 arrows

The Problem:

Organizations around the world need to manage e-Learning. The leading standard for the communication between the content and the Learning Management System (LMS) is the SCORM Runtime Environment. Tracker.Net applies the awesome power of ASP.NET and Microsoft® SQL Server™ to this task. Come join customers like Circle K, British Airways, Syncrude Canada, YMCA of the USA, Long Island Rail Road, American Signature, Mac's Convenience Stores, L-3 Communications, St. Francis Healthcare, Copenhagen Airports, Drug Free Business, various government agencies, and many more!

My Courses Screen
My Courses Screen

Tracker Scheduler
Tracker Scheduler Application

Tracker Reporter
Tracker Reporter Application

The Solution:

Tracker.Net implements all mandatory and optional communication elements listed in the SCORM 1.2 and 2004 Runtime Environment Specification. Rather than messing with SCORM manifest files, you use Tracker.Net's Administrator interface to define lesson locations, organize lessons into courses, set passing scores, and more. You can even set lesson and course completion status via the Administrator in addition to having it set automatically via SCORM. Tracker.Net manages ToolBook HTML, Flash, Dreamweaver, Lectora, Captivate, ASP.NET, and any other content that can communicate via SCORM.

Tracker Reporting

System Requirements:

Web Server
  • Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 or later
  • Windows® Server 2003 or later
  • .NET Framework 4.5 (runtime)
  • Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 or later
  • Internet Explorer 7 or later
  • Newer versions of Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. Not tested with other browsers but we encourage you to try them yourself.
Client (Only for those users running the Tracker Reporter™, Tracker Scheduler™, Tracker Student Importer, and Tracker Configuration applications)
  • Windows Vista SP2 or later
  • .NET 4.5 Runtime (added if needed by the installation)


Despite its great capabilities, Tracker.Net continues to be one of the lowest prices of any major LMS. Newer data is not regularly published, but check out Brandon Hall Research's 2005 LMS prices at http://www.vbtrain.net/documents/jan5-05.htm. You'll notice that the low prices in the Brandon Hall report include both the Tracker.Net licensing and the additional technical support costs! These prices have gone up only $2,000 since this report.

Description Price
Up to 500 Users (single web site) $6,995
Up to 2000 Users (single web site) $8,995
Unlimited Users (single web site) $10,995

Note that you can move between levels at any time by paying the difference in licensing costs.

Supporting Applications
Description Price
Tracker Reporter Application (per user) $495
Tracker Scheduler Application (per user) $495
Tracker Store e-Commerce Site (per web site) $995
Remote Tracker for hosting remote lessons (per web site) $995
Tracker.Net source code for internal use $4,995
Tracker Store source code for internal use $795
Technical Support
Description Price
One year email-only technical support $795

Try It Out

Run Tracker.Net

Feel free to add yourself as a new student. You will then see all the courses configured as "Open Enrollment." If you would like to see some existing data, you can use:

user name: demo
password: a

Please send any comments, questions, problems, or feature requests to: tracker@plattecanyon.com

Click to see a January 2006 article in Aerospace International magazine to shows how Platte Canyon reseller IDC Training Solutions has used Tracker.Net to manage their aviation content for British Airways, CityJet, and other airlines
Tracker Reporter Video
Tracker Scheduler Video

User Comments

  • We are a small non-profit organization and for three years we have been using Tracker.Net by Platte Canyon Software http://www.trackernet.net. We researched dozens of vendors and Tracker.Net gives us the “biggest bang for the buck” by far. This is software you purchase and run off a server, but it wasn't hard to install and the support has always been friendly and fast. It has more flexible features than you could ever use. This was the least expensive program that we reviewed. Yes, its initial cost is probably more than for a hosted solution, but once you calculate the actual costs over a period of time we found that Tracker.Net paid for itself the first year. They have a free live webinar demonstration every week, and/or you can request an individual demonstration and/or download a free trial version.
  • I was commissioned by another client last week to download, install, set up, and document the use of Platte Canyon's Tracker.Net, then set up a server with this LMS. I just finished all of this with around $1000 in billable hours. Not bad and just proves how easy this LMS is to set up. On the ToolBook side, nothing of any consequence has to be done except for one line of Actions Editor code on any exit button (with pages other than last having one line of code to suspend and then the last page being set to mark as complete). Then two important publish settings (SCORM 1.2 and do not use HTML launch page.)
  • You'll be (not surprised but) happy to hear that your installation of Tracker.Net on my machine went as slick as the proverbial whistle.
  • Glad to hear that Tracker.Net is getting a good reception. I think it is a wonderful software.
  • We've been using Tracker.Net for about 6 months now to administer training to about 300 flight crew in an airline in Ireland. We've installed the LMS on their local server and we service our SCOs remotely from the UK. The system works extremely well.
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